Saturday, May 7, 2011

Revolutionary Technique Helps Chicago Children Overcome Learning Disabilities

.....Katherine Bald is an organizational wiz.

The 13-year-old manages school projects in color-coded folders, keeps all homework assignments in separate binders, and carefully divides long-term assignments into smaller, less intimidating "chunks."

"She's much better organizing than other eighth-graders," says her mother Elizabeth Bald ....

Research Suggests Benefits For Postponing 18 Month Autism Screen Until 30 Months For Very Preterm Infants

...Extremely premature infants who screen positive for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at 18 months of age may not actually have autism. Rather, they may fail screening tests due to an unrelated cognitive or language delay....

Diagnosis And Treatment Of ADHD Varies Significantly Across Countries

.....ADHD is widely recognized internationally as a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder leading to impairment and requiring treatment. Until recently, epidemiological research supported the conclusion that the prevalence of ADHD varies significantly from country to country. However, a recent meta-analysis indicated that differences in prevalence are largely attributable to methodological differences in the studies themselves (e.g., differing definitions) rather than to cultural or national-level factors. The new survey shows that treatment procedures do vary a great deal between countries, even though ADHD prevalence may not. ....

Functional visual loss in amblyopia and the effect of occlusion therapy.

...... The aim of this study was to define the nature of functional visual loss in amblyopia and
to identify those subjects whose amblyopia is chiefly due to one or more of the following deficits:
abnormal contour interaction, abnormal eye movements, abnormal contrast perception, or positional
uncertainty......... All amblyopic subjects demonstrated a functional loss in each of the tests used, and
occlusion therapy appeared to improve all aspects of the amblyopia. High contrast visual acuity was
not always the primary deficit in visual function
, ...... to successfully identify the primary visual deficit and monitor the success of occlusion therapy it is necessary to assess other aspects of visual function in amblyopia. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1999;40:2859-2871)....

Comments: Although more and more of my colleagues on the OMD side of eye care seem to be looking at the possibility that amblyopia is more than reduced visual acuity....few seem to do more than pay lip service to this possibility. As the research mounts that amblyopia is a binocular induced loss of vision function, perhaps all of us will not only use appropriate diagnostic tests...but also more than patching to improve visual acuity AND vision function. The full pdf of this article is at

Friday, May 6, 2011

Acupuncture for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents

....Acupuncture is increasingly practiced as a therapeutic intervention in Western countries. However, it remains uncertain whether the existing evidence is strong enough to justify the use of acupuncture as a treatment for ADHD.....

The Efficacy of Acupressure for Symptom Management

....Acupressure may be a useful strategy for the management of multiple symptoms in a variety of patient populations, but rigorous trials are needed. Inclusion of acupressure as an intervention may improve patient outcomes.....

Bogus Balms Bureau: Business Group Props Up STD Scams

.....The Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission joined forces Tuesday to threaten 12 companies with legal action over the manufacture and sale of products that purport to treat sexually transmitted diseases. The FDA's webpage alone, complete with the video STD Treatments That Don't Work, will prove a devastating assault to most of these businesses. Though it lacks the authority to carry out an IRS-style raid, the FDA has been using its legal department's fearsome prose to bust bad drugs sold as supplements for decades now, and in the past few years we've seen the agency ramp up these efforts as online commerce has driven the problem to epidemic proportions.....

Patterns of visual attention to faces and objects in autism spectrum disorder

....This study used eye-tracking to examine visual attention to faces and objects in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and typical peers. ..... Results highlight heterogeneity in manifestation of social deficits in ASD and suggest that naturalistic assessments are important for quantifying atypicalities in visual attention....

The influence of visual saliency on fixation patterns in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

.....It is widely reported that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) direct their attention in an atypical manner...... We ...therefore conclude that visual saliency impacts fixation location in a similar manner in individuals with ASD and those with typical development. It was found that social features in scenes (heads) captured attention much more than visually salient features, even in individuals with ASD....

Catching Autism? A Simple Approach

....Out of the 10,479 1-year-olds that were screened, 184 failed the initial screening. More than 30 of those infants received either a provisional or final diagnosis of ASD, 56 were diagnosed with a language delay, nine were diagnosed with a development delay, and 36 were diagnosed with another type of problem. Researchers tallied a positive predictive value of 75 percent using the simple screening approach. ...

Journal Of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine

.....JEBCAM is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed biomedical journal publishing hypothesis-driven and evidence-based articles concerning observations or studies (both positive and negative) in all fields of healing practices encompassed by the terms complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine. JEBCAM is edited by Dr. Roger A. Brumback, an internationally-renowned clinical neuroscientist, educator, and Editor-in-Chief of the highly regarded Journal of Child Neurology.....

Park's 3 Step iPhone App

My former student and colleague, Robert Burke, OD (ICO Class 2008), at the Calgary Vision Centre has developed an iPhone app ($1.99) that utilizes the iPhone's gyroscope to aid in determining the underacting muscle in a vertical deviation.

I tried it out....and it seems to work just fine. Let me know what you think. See screen shouts below. DM

International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics

The following new journal from e-Century has/have been added to PubMed Central:

International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics
ISSN: 1948-1756 (electronic)


Archive includes volume 1 (2010) to volume 2 (2011)

Note: There is no embargo delay for this journal

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Military Funds Brain Injury Study: Immediate Nutrition Is Key

.....Due to a high level of brain injury in the field, the United States Military commissioned the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to look into the best way to immediately treat traumatic brain injuries. The institute found that a quick infusion of calories, proteins and vitamins should now be a part of standard care in the military. This research will cross over into the public sector as well. ....

Cognitive Decline Risk Less With Higher Levels Of Social Acivity

....If you want to keep your brain healthy, it turns out that visiting friends, attending parties, and even going to church might be just as good for you as crossword puzzles.....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Optometrists Offer Tips on Watching 3D Movies

.....The KOA recommends seeing a doctor of optometry for further evaluation if consumers answer yes to any of the following questions:
• Is the 3D viewing experience not as vivid as it is for others watching the same picture?
• Do you experience eyestrain or headaches during or after viewing?
• Do you feel nauseous or dizzy during or after viewing?
• Are you more comfortable viewing 2D TV or movies instead of 3D TV or movies?
• Is it difficult for your eyes to adjust back to normal after watching 3D TV or movies....

Comments: Remember the 3Ds of Viewing 3D:

Since 3D viewing is based on the eyes converging in front of or beyond the screen, viewing 3D images can potentially create eyestrain and headaches. Consumers can reduce the conflict by sitting at a greater distance from the screen.

3D technology can exaggerate visual motion hypersensitivity (VMH), which can cause motion sickness, and vergence-accommodation conflict, causing consumers to feel dizzy or nauseous during or after viewing 3D content.

•Lack of Depth:
A viewer lacking binocular vision, simply won’t see 3D. While this doesn’t pose any problem viewing the screen, it serves as a “vision screening” that something is abnormal with the viewer’s binocular vision.

 .... and actually the 4th D of 3D viewing is to See Your Doctor of Optometry if experience any of the above! I could actually say for your to see   "Dominick" if you don't see 3D as well I guess!! DM

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hidden Roadblocks: What Parents Need To Know About Vision and Learning

Jillian's story continues.....

Over Range Of ADHD Behavior, Genes Major Force On Reading Achievement, Environment On Math

.....Humans are not born as blank slates for nature to write on. Neither are they behaving on genes alone.....the link between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and academic performance involves a complex interaction of genes and environment. Genetic influence was found to be greater on reading than for math, while shared environment (e.g., the home and/or school environment the twins shared) influenced math more so than reading. The researchers don't know why. .....

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Order Sons of Italy Recognizes Dr. Dominick M. Maino for his Accomplishments

 Photo upper right: Richard Della Croce, Grand Lodge President and Master of Ceremonies, Dr. Dominick M. Maino, and  Marie Marsalli, Galla co-chairperson Congratulate Dr. Dominick Maino.
Photo lower left: Dr. & Mrs. Dominick & Sylvia Maino.
Dominick M. Maino, OD, MEd, FAAO, FCOVD-A received the Order Sons of Italy in America Leonardo da Vinci Award for Excellence in Medicine at a Galla Luncheon at the Victoria BeauJolie in Shiller Park, Il on May 1st 2011. Several hundred attendees (and friends and family of Dominick) were there to share their pride and joy with the Italian-Americans who were honored on this Sunday. (For photographs from this event click here.)

Dominick is a Professor of Pediatrics/Binocular Vision at the Illinois Eye Institute/Illinois College of Optometry and in private practice in Harwood Heights, Il. He is a recognized expert in the areas of diagnosing and treating the eye and vision problems of children and adults with disability including those with dual diagnosis (psychiatric illness and intellectual disability), developmental disability (Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Cerebral Palsy), Autism Spectrum Disorders and those with acquired and traumatic brain injury.

As an international lecturer and author, he has helped those with disability obtain the eye and vision care they deserve but seldom receive. He is the editor of Optometry & Vision Development, a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and the College of Optometrists in Vision Development.   He also serves as the American Optometric Association's spokesperson on 3D Vision Syndrome (vision problems associated with 3d movies, TV, video-games) and has been interviewed by most of the major national networks on this topic.

When not seeing patients or lecturing, Dominick exhibits his photography with his Artists of Casa Italia colleagues and throughout the Midwest; sings opera (usually in the middle of all the tenors in the supporting choir), and blogs, tweets, and Facebooks with the best of 'em!

For photographs of this event click here. For PDF of OSIA booklet that features Dr. Maino, click here.

For more information .... click on the links below:

Order Sons of Italy in America

Fra Noi Announces that Dr. Dominick Maino will receive the Leonardo da Vinci Award of Excellence in Medicine

New vision therapy helps UA softball star

This "new" therapy has been around for decades....but just now used to help those with traumatic brain injury. DM

Dr. Nathan Flax — Vision and Learning

....Understanding the relationship between vision and learning begins by acknowledging that both are very complex processes. Rather than considering vision and learning each as one specific skill, Dr. Flax’s writings on this topic emphasize a task analysis approach. He writes, “It is illogical to assume that all aspects of visual function would relate to all aspects of the learning process.” By first considering the specific learning task, then the potential contribution of specific visual functions can be analyzed....

Comment: If you are interested in vision related learning problems, anything written by Dr. Flax is a great place to start. Read this, now. DM


American Academy of Optometry CALL FOR ABSTRACTS OPEN MAY 1 - 31!

The Scientific Program Committee of the American Academy of Optometry invites the submission of abstracts for the Scientific Program of Academy 2011 Boston. For more information, please go to the Call for Abstracts 2011 page.