Saturday, December 5, 2009

Private Practice Pediatric/Binocular Vision Residency Programs

EyeCare Professionals, P.C.

1777 Kuser Road
Hamilton Square, NJ 08690

Program Supervisor: Dr. Barry Tannen Email: [email protected]

Description of Program: The goals of this program are two-fold:
1. To teach the resident through extensive clinical experience, didactic coursework, and guided self study, the art and science of the practice of Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation. The resident will gain extensive experience in working with patients with binocular/accommodative and eye movement disorders, vision processing and perceptual deficits, traumatic brain injury, and special needs and other developmental disorders. Additionally, the resident will participate in primary care, specialty contact lenses, ocular disease and special testing, as the practice is a large full scope practice that encompasses all areas of optometric care.
2. The resident will learn the nuts and bolts of running a successful optometric practice. S/he will complete specific modules in all relevant areas of optometric practice administration including (but not limited to) staff hiring and management, insurance coding, billing and submission, team building, report writing, patient care and professional seminar, and many other topics.

Family Eyecare Associates, P.C.
The Vision & Learning Center

17-10 Fair Lawn Avenue
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Phone: (201) 794-7977

Program Supervisor: Dr. Leonard J. Press E-mail: [email protected]

Description of Program: The Resident in our facility will have the opportunity to work in a unique environment that positions the candidate to be highly successful in key areas of Optometry. While the principal emphasis is on acquiring skills necessary for advanced competency and financial management in vision therapy and rehabilitation, interaction with externs rotating through our practice from ICO and PCO enable the Resident to model clinical teaching skills as well. The Resident will also interact with our Optometric Vision Therapists who are Board Certified or Board Eligible members of COVD. At year’s end the Resident will feel comfortable implementing a broad array of skills in any environment, be it clinical research, institutional practice, or private practice.

The learning objectives of the Residency stem from the textbook Applied Concepts in Vision Therapy authored by Dr. Press, who is a Past President of COVD, former Chief of Vision Therapy Services at SUNY, current Chair of the Pediatrics and Binocular Vision Committee of the AOA, and a consultant on visual disabilities for the NBME (National Board of Medical Examiners).

Appelbaum Eye Care Associates, PC

6509 Democracy Blvd.
133 Defense Highway, Suite 113
Bethesda, Maryland 20817
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
301-897-8484 301-897-8484

Program Supervisor: Dr. Stanley A. Appelbaum E-mail: [email protected]

Description of Program: The program emphasizes the diagnosis and treatment of binocular vision and visual perceptual disorders. The resident will gain extensive experience in Vision Therapy for Adults and Children, Vision Improvement Programs, Pediatrics, Primary Care, Special Testing, Infants Vision, Head Trauma/Rehabilitation, Children with Special Needs, Therapeutic Lenses, Contact Lenses and Low Vision.

As an employee of Appelbaum Eye Care Associates, PC, the resident will gain experience working with visual perceptual deficits, developmental vision anomalies, general binocular and eye movement skill deficiencies, complex Strabismus and Amblyopia as well as patients with visual/vestibular disorders including sensory integration dysfunction, sensory processing disorder, tactile defensiveness, apraxia, vertigo, dizziness, balance, movement, attention, and coordination disorders.

Child and Family Optometry

746 N. Maize Rd., Suite 100
Wichita, KS 67212
Phone: (316) 721-8877

Program Supervisor: Dr. Pat Pirotte E-mail: [email protected]

Description of Program: The mission of the residency at Child and Family Optometry is to give the graduate all the tools necessary to start and succeed privately practicing in the specialty realm of pediatrics and vision therapy and integrating it into a primary care setting. The resident will obtain advanced competence in clinical, social, and business aspects of successfully practicing in this area of optometry. Graduates of the residency will be uniquely suited to successful private practice.
Our unique position is to try and teach clinical care in the management of strabismus, amblyopia, visually related learning problems, stroke, head trauma, and rehabilitation, while also developing skills in communication, marketing, and business.

Vision Therapy Group and Sensory Learning Center

4091 Richfield Road
Flint, MI 48506
Phone: (810) 736-6673

Program Supervisor: Dr. Bradley Habermehl E-mail: [email protected]

Description of Program: Dr. Bradley Habermehl and the Vision Therapy Group have been in practice in Southeast Michigan for over 21 years. This dynamic practice is split into three separate, but interconnected businesses. A resident who is selected to serve at this location will have the opportunity to experience a full scale optical practice as well as the added benefits of participating in Dr. Habermehl’s thriving vision therapy and sensory learning programs. Specific experiences in general optometry include the following: fitting for glasses and contacts, care for pre and post cataract and lasik surgery, and children’s vision care including vision therapy for vision-related learning problems and working with children on the autism spectrum. The resident will also be assigned vision therapy cases and will learn first hand practice management of running a vision therapy practice. Dr. Habermehl currently serves as president-elect of the College of Optometrist for Vision Development.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Green tea chemical combined with another may hold promise for treatment of brain disorders

...Scientists at Boston Biomedical Research Institute (BBRI) and the University of Pennsylvania have found that combining two chemicals, one of which is the green tea component EGCG, can prevent and destroy a variety of protein structures known as amyloids. Amyloids are the primary culprits in fatal brain disorders such as Alzheimer's, Huntington's, and Parkinson's diseases. Their study, published in the current issue of Nature Chemical Biology (December 2009), may ultimately contribute to future therapies for these diseases. ...

New Brain Connections Form Rapidly During Motor Learning

...The researchers studied mice as they were trained to reach through a slot to get a seed. They observed rapid growth of structures that form connections (called synapses) between nerve cells in the motor cortex, the brain layer that controls muscle movements. ...

Childhood Lead Exposure Damages the Brain

...New research indicates that early childhood exposure to lead may cause permanent brain damage.

The new Cincinnati Children’s Hospital study revealed a connection between higher lead levels and decreased activation in areas of the brain, including the parietal region. Researchers say white matter, part of the brain that matures early in life, adapts to the lead exposure. The last part of the brain to develop, the frontal lobe, is damaged by the lead exposure as it matures....

Number of kids in daycare may affect asthma risk

...For every additional other child in his or her primary care setting, a child's risk of asthma decreased, up until age 9. Asthma risk began to increase again for toddlers in day care with 10 or more other kids, suggesting that there may be a "threshold for this protective effect."...

Down syndrome increases among U.S. children

...Older average maternal age may have contributed to a 31.1% increase in the number of babies born with Down syndrome from 1979 to 2003, researchers believe.

During this time period, the prevalence of Down syndrome at birth increased from 9.0% to 11.8% per 10,000 live births, data pooled from 10 U.S. regions indicated, with prevalence rates five times higher among babies born to mothers who were aged 35 or older compared with younger mothers (38.6 per 10,000 vs. 7.8 per 10,000). ...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cover Story December Issue of Optometric Management

The editors at Optometric Management liked my article, Identify Binocular Vision Disorders, so much, that it will be the cover story for the December 2009 issue. Watch for more news about this article here!

"Millions of children and adults suffer unnecessarily from binocular vision disorders because they’re underdiagnosed. Rectify this by following these four steps."


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

For the first time researchers show reversal of earliest sign of retinal aging, using a resveratrol-based nutriceutical matrix (Longevinex(R))

Just thought you'd be interested. Stuart Richer OD, PhD, Chief, Optometry Section at the Veterans Medical Center in North Chicago is a colleague and friend. DM

For the first time researchers show reversal of earliest sign of retinal aging, using a resveratrol-based nutriceutical matrix (Longevinex(R))

Parachutes, Optometric Vision Therapy and Randomized, Clinical Trials

Martínez PC, Muñoz AG, Ruiz-Cantero MT.Treatment of accommodative and nonstrabismic binocular dysfunctions: A systematic review.Optometry. 2009 Dec;80(12):702-16.

CONCLUSION: Scientific evidence exists for the efficacy of vision therapy for convergence insufficiency. Insufficient scientific evidence exists on the best therapeutic options for treatment of the other nonstrabismic binocular anomalies and accommodative disorders.

Comments: Are these authors really this naive? Do they really think you cannot treat patients' problems unless the treatment has had randomized, clinical trials conducted? Do they practice in an ivory-tower bubble? Medicine has NEVER waited for the clinical trials before treating. Should optometry be held to a different standard? There is enough research at various levels (Observational Studies, Case-control Study, Cross-sectional Studies, Integrative Studies and Case Series studies) to support optometric vision therapy as a viable treatment. If these authors bothered to look at this research they would have known better than to come up with this erroneous conclusion! Go to for a listing of these papers. '

Please see the paper below. It illustrates just how "obsessed" some folks can become with "evidence based medicine". We need good science to support clinical care. Good clinical care usually occurs while the science tries to catch up. DM

Smith GCS, Pell JP. (2003). Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitational challenge: systematic review of randomised controlled trials. BMJ, 327(7429), 1459-1461. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.327.7429.1459

Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitational challenge: systematic review of randomised controlled trials

Gordon C S Smith, professor1, Jill P Pell, consultant2
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Cambridge University, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, 2 Department of Public Health, Greater Glasgow NHS Board, Glasgow G3 8YU

Correspondence to: G C S Smith [email protected]


Objectives To determine whether parachutes are effective in preventing major trauma related to gravitational challenge.

Design Systematic review of randomised controlled trials.

Data sources: Medline, Web of Science, Embase, and the Cochrane Library databases; appropriate internet sites and citation lists.

Study selection: Studies showing the effects of using a parachute during free fall.

Main outcome measure Death or major trauma, defined as an injury severity score > 15.

Results We were unable to identify any randomised controlled trials of parachute intervention.

Conclusions As with many interventions intended to prevent ill health, the effectiveness of parachutes has not been subjected to rigorous evaluation by using randomised controlled trials. Advocates of evidence based medicine have criticised the adoption of interventions evaluated by using only observational data. We think that everyone might benefit if the most radical protagonists of evidence based medicine organised and participated in a doub
le blind, randomised, placebo controlled, crossover trial of the parachute

Comment: Get PDF by clicking on title. DM

Fragile X Syndrome

‘‘It’s Something I Need to Consider’’: Decisions About Carrier Screening for Fragile X Syndrome in a Population of Non-Pregnant Women

One of my MD colleagues from down under...just sent me this I thought I'd share it...


Just a brief note to let you know about two exciting developments in the Fragile X world in Australia. We have just had a paper published in the AJMG (click link).;=NzM4Ny00NmVl

We have also had our NHRMC funding confirmed for a 3 year multicentre trial offering FXS carrier testing to women both before and in early pregnancy.

Two small but important steps towards offering all women screening for Fragile X Syndrome.


Dr Jonathan Cohen
Medical Director, Fragile X Alliance Clinic
263 Glen Eira Rd, Nth Caulfield 3161
t: +613 9528 1910 | f: +613 9532 9555
e: [email protected]| w:

New Journal

The following new journal from The Korean Society of Cardiology has been added to PubMed Central:

Korean Circulation Journal

ISSN: 1738-5520 (print) 1738-5555 (electronic)


Archive includes vol. 39(3-10) (2009)

Note: There is no embargo delay for this journal; all articles are Open Access.

Early Intervention for Toddlers With Autism Highly Effective

..The study, published online in the journal Pediatrics, examined an intervention called the Early Start Denver Model, which combines applied behavioral analysis teaching methods with developmental relationship-based approaches. This approach was novel because it blended the rigor of applied behavioral analysis with play-based routines that focused on building a relationship with the child. While the youngest children in the study were 18 months old, the intervention is designed to be appropriate for children as young as 12 months of age with autism. Although previous studies have found that early intervention can be helpful for preschool-aged children, interventions for children who are toddlers are just now being tested. Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by repetitive behaviors and impairment in verbal communication and social interaction. It is reported to affect one in 100 children in the United States....

Attention All ICO Alumni

Illinois College of Optometry Shines

Faculty & Program Achievements and Activities

Drs. Keith Tyler, Wendy Stone, Danielle Poole and Karen Squier successfully achieved Fellowship in the American Academy of Optometry at the 2009 Annual meeting in Orlando, FL, on November 14, 2009.

College faculty made twenty-eight presentations of scholarly work at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Optometry in Orlando, FL, November 11-14, 2009. Dr. Maino has kindly made available photos of the events ( ).

Faculty made the following presentations of their original, peer-reviewed research:

Clear Lens Phacomorphic Glaucoma Demonstrated With Ultrasonography And Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography, Dominick Opitz, OD, FAAO, Mirijana Dordevic, OD, Eric Conley, OD, Illinois College of Optometry

Silicone Punctal Plugs As An Adjunctive Therapy To Travoprost 0.004% Ophthalmic Solution in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma And Ocular Hypertension, Dominick Opitz, OD, FAAO, Sherman Gin Yung Tung, OD, FAAO, Jenny Joo-Won Park, Illinois College of Optometry, Unsun Sarah Jang, Illinois College of Optometry

A Rare Bilateral Presentation Of Posner-Schlossman Syndrome, Ashley Firby, OD, Eric Conley, OD, Illinois College of Optometry

Long Anterior Lens Zonule Trait in African-American First-Degree Relatives, Daniel K. Roberts, OD, MS, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry

Lens Adherence Related To Contact Lens Overwear, Shana Brafman, Jennifer S. Harthan, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry

Improving Comfort For First Time Gp Wearers With The So2clear Lens, Renee E. Reeder, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry, Jacqueline Haro, OD, Private Practitioner, Jennifer S. Harthan, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry

Utilization Of Digital Imaging in The Assessment Of Students'' Performance On Direct Ophthalmoscopy, Mindy C. Nguyen, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry

Comparison Of Icare® Tonometer To The Tono-Pen® in Children, Sandra S. Block, OD, MEd, FAAO, FCOVD, Erik Ranta, OD, Daniel Hermanson, OD, Colin Connors, OD, Illinois College of Optometry

A Prospective Study On Diagnosing Optic Nerve Hypoplasia Using Heidelberg Retina Tomograph And Fundus Photographs, Yi Pang, PhD, OD, FAAO, Kelly A. Frantz, OD, FAAO, FCOVD, Illinois College of Optometry

Correction Of Hyperopia in Children Study (CHICS) Pilot, Marjean T. Kulp, OD, MS, FAAO, Ohio State University, G. Lynn Mitchell, BS, MAS, FAAO, Ohio State University, Ida Chung, OD, FCOVD, FAAO, State University of New York, Amelia G. Bartolone, OD, FAAO, State University of New York, Wendy Stone, OD, Illinois College of Optometry, Janis E. Winters, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry

Eyelid Edema As Presenting Sign Of Nephrotic Syndrome, Janice M. McMahon, OD, Illinois College of Optometry, Rebecca Nichols, OD

Unilateral Optic Nerve Hypoplasia in The Dominant Eye Of a Patient With Anisometropic/Strabismic Amblyopia, Kelly A. Frantz, OD, FAAO, FCOVD, Illinois College of Optometry, Yi Pang, PhD, OD, FAAO

Cyclic Accommodative Esotropia in a Child With Associated Hippocampus Abnormality, Megan S. Allen, OD, Illinois College of Optometry, Benjamin Ticho, MD, University of Illinois Chicago

Does The Use Of Colored Overlays Affect Reading Rate?, Kent M. Daum, OD, MS, PhD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry, Kimberly Betton, BS, Illinois College of Optometry, Daman Gupta, BS, Illinois College of Optometry

Color Differences Between The 2005 And 2006 Editions Of The Ishihara Color Vision Test, David Y. Lee, OD, PhD, FAAO, Anne Eng, BSc, Lenna Go, BA, Illinois College of Optometry

Topical Cyclosporine For The Prevention Of Dry Eye Disease: Second Year Of Two-Year Study, Kaori Asano, OD, Illinois College of Optometry, Sanjay Rao, MD, Private Practitioner

Managing Patients With Ocular Surface Disease And Hepatitis C, Renee E. Reeder, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry, Jeff Horst, OD, Boston VA Healthcare System, Jennifer S. Harthan, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry, Jacqueline Haro, OD, Private Practitioner

Peripheral Ulcerative Keratitis in Association With Sarcoid, Jennifer S. Harthan, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry, Renee E. Reeder, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry

Visualization Of Iriociliary Cyst Using Various Imaging Techniques, Mindy C. Nguyen, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry

Venous Stenosis Causing Loss Of Consciousness And Intracranial Hypertension, Ellen S Shorter, OD, Illinois College of Optometry, Keith Tyler, OD, Illinois College of Optometry

Atypical Maculopathy Associated With Syphilitic Chorioretinitis in The Presence Of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Stephanie A. Klemencic, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry

Optical Coherence Tomography in a Case Of North Carolina Macular Dystrophy, David Castells, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry

Atypical Stargardt Disease, Ashley Firby, OD, Illinois College of Optometry, Mary Flynn Roberts, OD, Illinois College of Optometry

Optical Coherence Tomography Of Type 1 Retinal Hamartomas in Tuberous Sclerosis, Anne Rozwat, OD, Illinois College of Optometry

Inner Retinal Cystic Degeneration Following a Central Retinal Artery Occlusion, Elizabeth Wyles, OD, FAAO, Leonard V. Messner, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry, Nicholas Lillie, Illinois College of Optometry

Retinopathy After Myocardial Infarction: Microembolic Retinopathy Revisited, Bruce A. Teitelbaum, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry

The Relationship Of Macular Pigment Density To Foveal Architecture, Gary G. Gunderson, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry, Dominick Opitz, OD, FAAO, Jennifer Lin, BS, Kevin Trieu, BS, Katherine Tran, BS, Susan Kelly, PhD,

Multiple Retinal Pigment Epithelial Detachments And Oral Bisphosphonate Use, Michelle Crist, Illinois College of Optometry, Sarah Boulais Klein, OD, FAAO, Illinois College of Optometry.

Dr. Dominick Maino presented a lecture, Neuroplasticity - A Paradigm Sea Change, as part of the Ellerbrock Program at the Annual Meeting of the AAO in Orlando, FL.

Drs. Melissa Siglar and Christine Allison presented a workshop, Management of Patients with Vertical Deviations, as part of the Ellerbrock Program at the Annual Meeting of the AAO in Orlando, FL.

Dr. Kelly Frantz presented a lecture, Binocular Vision Case Management Using Prism, as part of the Ellerbrock Program at the Annual Meeting of the AAO in Orlando, FL.

Dr. Janis Winters presented a lecture, Barriers: What Keeps Someone from Seeking Healthcare? What Can I Do About It?, as part of the Ellerbrock Program at the Annual Meeting of the AAO in Orlando, FL.

Dr. Tom Stelmack presented a lecture, Ocular Immunology: Clinical Applications, as part of the Ellerbrock Program at the Annual Meeting of the AAO in Orlando, FL.

Dr.Christine Allison is a member of the Education Committee of the AAO which administrated the educational program at the AAO Annual Meeting.

Dr. Kelly Frantz participated in administering the Binocular Vision, Perception, & Pediatric Optometry Diplomate practical examination to one candidate during the 2009 AAO meeting.

The College convened the 1st Research Symposium on November 6, 2009. A total of 28 posters were presented. IM specialist Mr. Waldo Duran for designed and printed the posters. Dr. Robert Donati, Kathryn Johnston, Waldo Duran, Teresa Siupinski, Margaret Rhodes, the Research Resource Committee (Drs. Robert Donati, Renee Reeder, Christine Allison, Dominick Opitz, Pang) for organized the symposium. Mr. Opie Nimon and his staff for set up the Gym and Ms. Jennifer Sopko and Jonathan McIntire for listed the information on ICO website. Faculty, residents and students provided much hard work to produce the excellent presentations.

The following ICO faculty are appointed in the AOA Volunteer structure: Drs. Augsburger, M. Chaglasian, Federal Relations Committee; Dr. Block, Pediatrics and Binocular Vision Committee; Dr. Colip, Research and Information Center Executive Committee; Dr. Conrad, Insurance Committee; Dr. Goodfellow, Student and New Graduate Committee; Dr. Maino, Poster Session Sub-committee; Dr. McMahon, Faculty Relations Committee; and, Dr. Scharre, Accreditation Council on Optometric Education.

Drs. Beckerman, Goodfellow, Harthan and Scharre as well as the Illinois College of Optometry were cited as participants in the 2009 CDC InfantSEE Week Pilot Program in the AOA News, 48(6):11, October 26, 2009.

Dr. Daum completed an interview with Ms. Lori Johnston, free lance journalist, Atlanta Constitution's Q & A on the News, about television viewing distance with reference to newer types of monitors. ( )

Dr. Goodfellow completed the 20-hour certification program and has been appointed as a member of the Consultant-Evaluator Corps of the Higher Learning Commission. The meeting reaffirmed that ICO is on the right track for its current endeavors regarding assessment and student learning outcomes. Assessment has been a large focus of HLC for the past ten years. The future HLC initiatives appear focused on benchmarking, transparency, and active-learning

Photos of Dr. Roberts’ research have been submitted to Ms. Rosemary Janiszewski (NIH/NEI). The NEI is gathering a collection of images and video from grantees to feature in various outlets, including the NEI image catalog (, Eye on NEI monthly newsmagazine (, and other internal purposes, including a television slideshow in the NEI offices.

Drs. Block and Winters made presentations of scholarly work at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association in Philadelphia, PA, November 7-11, 2009.

Dr. Sandra Block is the Chair of the Vision Care section of the APHA. The APHA noted her election: “The VCS membership elected Sandra Block of the Illinois College of Optometry as the incoming chair-elect. Sandy is also in a leadership role with Special Olympics Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes program, which is working to develop sustainable vision care worldwide for persons with intellectual disability.” Dr. Block authored a column about the activities of the section ( ).

Dr. Block was elected to the prestigious steering council at the APHA.

Winters JE. Primary care physician report and blood pressure in a low income uninsured population, Annual Meeting of the APHA, November 9, 2009

Ms. Karen Lee (Illinois College of Optometry 2011
National Liaison to ASCO Diversity Task Force, US Students' Liaison to CAO, ICO Liaison to CAO, Chinese American Service League Board Member) has traveled to Salinas, Ecuador with OneSight Foundation ( and sends a video link of the trip (Karen appears at the 6:54 mark of the video.)

Monday, November 30, 2009

New Journals from PubMed

New Journals from PubMed

Journal of Medical Physics / Association of Medical Physicists of India
ISSN: 0971-6203 (print); 1998-3913 (electronic)
Archive: v. 33 (2008). Current and back content is forthcoming.
There is no embargo delay for this journal.

Indian Journal of Community Medicine: Official Publication of Indian
Association of Preventive & Social Medicine
ISSN: 0970-0218 (print); 1998-3581 (electronic)
Archive: v. 33 (2008).
There is no embargo delay for this journal.

Indian Journal of Dermatology
ISSN: 0019-5154 (print); 1998-3611 (electronic)
Archive: v. 53 (2008).
There is no embargo delay for this journal.

Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology
ISSN: 0972-2327 (print); 1998-3549 (electronic)
Archive: v. 11 (2008).
There is no embargo delay for this journal.

International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries
ISSN: 0973-3930 (print); 1998-3832 (electronic)
Archive: v. 28 (2008).
There is no embargo delay for this journal.

What is Amblyopia?

What is Amblyopia? A presentation by Dominick M. Maino, OD, MEd, FAAO, FCOVD-A

CE in Vegas

ICO Continuing Education is going to Las Vegas this March! Come warm up with us and get 12 hours of Continuing Education. All 12 hours are COPE pending and 10 of the hours will be offered as TQ for doctors who need TQ CE.

Registration: Register online here or download a registration form to fax or mail in. You may also call 312-949-7426 to register over the phone. Space is limited so register soon!

We look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas!

Diane D. Gillette
Continuing Education and Assessment Coordinator
Illinois College of Optometry
Phone: 312-949-7429
Fax: 312-949-7729
Email: [email protected]

Advances in neuroimaging of traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder PDF

Veterans with history of mild traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder: Challenges from provider perspective PDF

Pathology of blast-related brain injury PDF

Clinical practice guideline: Management of Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury PDF

Computer Vision Syndrome: what is it and what can you do to prevent it?

...Have you wondered why your eyes may feel tired after a long day of staring at the computer at work? Or why you can get headaches and eye strain after looking at the computer for just a few hours at work while you can surf the web the entire weekend at home and your eyes will feel perfectly fine? If you are experiencing these symptoms, you may have Computer Vision Syndrome....

Vision Intervention Program

This is a Program from Learning Insights, a not for profit organization in Missouri, striving to screen children for vision problems, provide tutoring for them in schools, and refer the more severe cases to optometrist that look at vision from a broad perspective.

AOA survey indicates Americans practicing poor eye care.

From AOA First Look:

In his column in California's Times-Standard (11/29), Dave Stancliff observed that "in a new Harris Interactive survey conducted for Lighthouse International, 62 percent of America's baby boomers reported they are not concerned about becoming visually impaired or experiencing a loss of vision that can't be corrected by surgery, medicine, or eye wear." In fact, "Americans practice poor eye care, according to a new survey from the American Optometric Association (AOA). Despite the fact that they view their eyesight as their most valued sense, they admit engaging in behavior that could be harmful to their eyes, including poor contact-lens hygiene and avoiding eye exams."

Ocular component growth curves among Singapore children with different refractive error status

...In young Asian children, the axial length and vitreous chamber elongated with time and the elongation slowed with age. There was a U-shaped growth curve for lens thickness and inverted U-shaped curve for anterior chamber depth. Our findings of early lens thinning followed by thickening, suggests a two-phase growth in the lens....

Tobacco, Lead Could Increase ADHD Risk

...Environmental factors may increase a child's risk for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). New research suggests exposure to both tobacco and lead may increase his or her risk by eight-fold. ...

Parent training key to improved treatment of behavior problems in children with autism

...The serious behavior problems that can occur in children with autism and related conditions can be reduced with a treatment plan that includes medication combined with a structured training program for parents, according to Yale University researchers and their colleagues...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Heroin and strabismus

...Acute esotropia with double vision is a disturbing side effect of heroin withdrawal, and, similarly, acute exotropia may be related to
heroin intake. In the absence of focal neurologicalsigns, further work-up is not mandatory. Referral to a specialised orthoptic service is beneficial in offering the patient symptomatic treatment andreassurance, thus supporting successful withdrawal

Comments: Click on title for pdf. DM

Learning disabilities, dyslexia, and vision: a subject review A rebuttal, literature review, and commentary

..The AAP/AAO/AAPOS paper contains errors and
i n t e rnal inconsistencies. Through highly selective re f e re n c e choices, it misre p resents the great body of evidence from the l i t e r a t u re that supports a relationship between visual and perceptual problems as they contribute to classroom diff i c u l t i e s . The 1998 paper should be retracted because of the errors, bias,
and disinformation it presents. The public assigns great tru s t to authorities for accurate, intellectually honest guidance, which is lacking in this AAP/AAO/AAPOS position paper....

Comments: PDF available by clicking on title. DM

MMR vaccine does not cause autism

In February 1998, The Lancet published an article titled “Ileal-Lymphoid-Nodular Hyperplasia, Non-Specific Colitis, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder in Children,” which suggested that MMR vaccine could contribute to the development of autism. Intense media coverage of the article followed its publication, and many parents, particularly in the UK, refused MMR vaccination of their children. In 2004, The Lancet published a retraction submitted by 10 of the 13 original authors. The authors stated that there was no connection between the MMR vaccine and the boweldisease/autism syndrome. In 2008, the number of articles published in peer-reviewed medical journals that refute a connection between MMR vaccine and autism totals more than 20; whereas the number of articles that suggest a connection between the vaccine and autism stands at 3. The following list of studies published in peer-reviewed journals is provided so that parents and practitioners can
themselves compare the balance of evidence about MMR and autism.

Comments: Click title for the pdf. DM

Broken Mirrors: A THEORY OF AUTISM

..CHILDREN WITH AUTISM may struggle with social interaction because their mirror neuron systems are not functioning properly....

Three Reasons Not to Believe in an Autism Epidemic

...According to some lay groups, the nation is
experiencing an autism epidemic—a rapid escalation in the prevalence of autism for unknown reasons. However, no sound scientific evidence indicates that the increasing
number of diagnosed cases of autism arises from anything other than purposely broadened diagnostic criteria, coupled with deliberately greater public awareness and intentionally improved case finding. Why is the public perception so disconnected from the scientific evidence? In this article we review three primary sources of misunderstanding: lack of awareness about the changing diagnostic criteria, uncritical acceptance of a conclusion illogically drawn in a California-based study, and inattention to a crucial feature of the ‘‘child count’’ data reported annually by the U.S. Department of Education....

Bifocals in Down Syndrome Study (BiDS): Design and Baseline Visual Function

...This study confirms previous findings of a high prevalence of reduced accommodation and shows that near VA is reduced compared to distance VA. The present results indicate that all subjects might benefit from bifocals....

Comments: It should now be obvious that just about all folks with Down Syndrome should have a multi-focal lens design...give them bifocals (children and adults with cerebral palsy can usually use a bit of help at near too!) DM

Corneal Power and Astigmatism in Down Syndrome

...The study is the first to explicitly investigate the association between corneal power and refractive error in children with DS. The majority of the DS group have significant refractive errors including an increased prevalence of oblique astigmatism. Corneal curvature in DS is not related to spherical (M) or astigmatic (J0, J45) refractive error. Further research is required to better understand the association between the ocular structures of the DS eye and their impact on functional vision...

Vision in autism spectrum disorders

...Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are developmental disorders which are thought primarily to affect social functioning. However, there is now a growing body of evidence that unusual sensory processing is at least a concomitant and possibly the cause of many of the behavioural signs and symptoms of ASD. A comprehensive and critical review of the phenomenological, empirical, neuroscientific and theoretical literature pertaining to visual processing in ASD is presented, along with a brief justification of a new theory which may help to explain some of the data, and link it with other current hypotheses about the genetic and neural aetiologies of this enigmatic condition....

Does Nonsurgical Treatment of Exodeviations Work?

...There are proven successful nonsurgical treatments for exodeviations, and, very specifically, convergence insufficiency. Clinicians have sought nonsurgical treatments for a variety of reasons both their own and their patient’s personal preference. The basic principals of treatment are to correct vision and to remove any obstacles to fusion. The main categories of nonsurgical treatment are: occlusion, glasses (base-in/over-minus), and exercises (fusional convergence, antisuppression, and increasing the near point of convergence). The recently published randomized clinical trial studying which exercise modality is best for treating convergence insufficiency is reviewed....

Vision in Children and Adolescents with Autistic Spectrum Disorder: Evidence for Reduced Convergence

...Evidence of atypical perception in individuals
with ASD is mainly based on self report, parental questionnaires or psychophysical/cognitive paradigms. There have been relatively few attempts to establish whether binocular vision is enhanced, intact or abnormal in those
with ASD. To address this, we screened visual function in 51 individuals with autistic spectrum disorder and 44 typically developing individuals by measuring visual acuity,
stereoacuity, convergence, divergence, ocular motility,incidence of strabismus and integrity of the optokinetic response. The data suggest that many aspects of vision,
including visual acuity, are unaffected in ASD, but that convergence is an aspect of visual function that merits further research in those with ASD.

Reduction of symptoms in binocular anomalies using computerized home therapy—HTS™

...Automated vision therapy delivered by the HTS system improved convergence and divergence amplitudes with a concomitant reduction in symptoms. The HTS system should be used on those patients with symptoms associated with an accommodative/vergence anomaly when in-office vision therapy supplemented with home therapy is not practical....

Visual Impairment and Dysfunction in Combat-Injured Servicemembers With Traumatic Brain Injury

..Eighty-four percent of Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center (PRC) -inpatients and 90% of Polytrauma Network Site (PNS)-outpatients had TBIs associated with a blast event. The majority of patients in both the PRC and PNS populations had visual acuities of 20/60 or better (77.8% PRC, 98.4% PNS). Visual dysfunctions (e.g., convergence, accommodative, and oculomotor dysfunction) were common in both PRC and PNS populations. In the PRC-inpatient population, acuity loss of 20/100 to no light perception (13%) and visual field defects (32.3%) were found. In the PNS-outpatient population, acuity loss of 20/100 to no light perception (1.6%) and visual field defects (3.2%) were infrequently found. In both the PRC and PNS populations, visual field defects were more often associated with blast than non-blast events.